Cinnamon oil

English name: Cinnamon oil
Botanical name: Cinnamomum zeylanicum
The Co2 extraction method is used for extracting a range of aromatic compounds as compared to any other distillation process. Co2 is pressurized to form a liquid which then acts like a solvent and used for oil extraction from the plant. On completion of the extraction process, the extraction vessel is brought to normal temperature back. Co2 is converted to gas and all that is left behind it top quality cinnamon oil devoid of any solvents.
In the Super Critical Fluid Extraction – SCFE process the solvent is used above its critical pressure and temperature. This process helps improve quality of the oil extract. Active components are contained in high concentration in it, devoid of microbial and biological contaminants or residual solvent. Molecules have synergistic bio-activity remain preserved in it.
Cinnamon oil contains cinnamyl aldehye as the main constituent and is extracted by the CO2 extraction method from the bark of the cinnamon evergreen tree. Cinnamomum cassia blume is its botanical name.
Cinnamon oil has strong aroma and is a dark and clear yellowish to brown liquid with medium consistency. It has a spicy, pleasant and warm scent between cinnamon and clove. Essential oils it blends well with are ylang ylang, frankincense, neroli, lemon, lavender, orange and cedarwood.
Cinnamon Benefits
Use of cinnamon bark as medicine has been recorded as early as 2700 BC. Cinnamon oil is traditionally used for its antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. Since centuries it has been used to treat kidney ailments, stomach upset, rheumatism, diarrhea, gas, excessive bile, foot massage and pain in abdomen. It is also used in birthing as a sedative and a vital ingredient in love potions and mulled wines.
It helps in treating digestive issues and diarrhea. It is termed as a perfect additive to soaps, lotions and creams. As far as spiritual perspective is concerned it is believed to have uplifting and warming characteristics. At room and warmer temperatures it is in clear form. It becomes cloudy with drop in temperature. On reheating, it gains clarity again.
Other Benefits
It contains cinnamaldehye in high levels due to which a lot of people feel concerned about using it. Just a drop in a drink or food can help you in reaping a number of benefits. It is used for flavoring gums, mints etc. If used incorrectly it can have toxic benefits on health. The oil is known to have antioxidant, anesthetic, antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. It has the ability to combat bacterial infection and inflammation and balance sugar in the blood.
It boosts immune system naturally and is an effective anti-fungal and antiviral remedy. It kills most of the bacterial infections instantly. In agriculture it is used a common fungicide. If used in a blend of eucalyptus, cinnamon, lemon, clove and rosemary oil it is able to kill airborne bacteria within no time. If taken in the right amount it can wipe out strains like helicobacter pylori bacteria that cause heart disease, stomach ulcers and possibly certain cancers also.
Cinnamon oil could cause irritation in the mucous membranes and skin especially if larger doses are taken. It contains active compounds and ingredients and could cause side effects like sensitizing and phototoxity. It is best to use it in diluted form. Pregnant ladies should avoid using cinnamon oil.