Seabuckthorn Oil

English name: Seabuckthorn Oil
Botanical name: Hippophae rhamnoides
Sea buckthorn oil obtained by the SCFE Co2 extraction method has a pleasant, gentle and subtle aroma. This process is considered most ideal for getting rid of natural pesticides and other impurities obtain sea buckthorn oil in its purest form. To derived pure oil, a chemical solvent is used. In comparison to the traditional method, the SCFE CO2 extraction method has most benefits.
Sea buckthorn oil is obtained from the sea buckthorn herb. Sea buckthorn extract is 100 percent pure, cruelty free and paraben free. It does not contain any preservatives, dairy, yeast, sodium, wheat or gluten products. The oil is enriched with antioxidant properties, essential fatty acids, and vitamin A, E, C content, 14 fatty acids, 106 bioactive elements including oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, tocotrienols, vitamins, carotenoids, phytosterols, flavonoids, serotonin, amino acids besides 28 trace elements including iodine, iron, selenium, magnesium, calcium etc.
Betacarotene level is high in this viscous oil which gives it a deep reddish orange color. It has anti radiation, cardiotonic, anti inflammatory, anti fungal, stomachic, antioxidant, dermatropic and anti constipating properties.
Traditionally the oil is used as beauty treatment to preserve skin texture, skin tone, getting rid of age spots, fight of wrinkles and restoring damaged skin to its beautiful and natural state. It is suitable for all types of skin and promotes healing of skin. In the cosmetic industry, sea buckhorn oil is used in the making of anti aging products and cosmetics.
Oil is obtained from the seed and used for loosening up phlegm as an expectorant. It also helps treat angina or pain in the chest, heart disorders and asthma. The berries of the plant help to slow down the process of aging, improve sight and prevents infections. The oil is useful in slowing down the decline of skills of thinking, reducing cancer related illnesses, balancing the immune system and treating disorders in the intestine including esophagitis or reflux and ulcers. It also helps treat dry eye, night blindness and is also an important source of vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, C, E minerals, fatty acids, amino acids and beta carotene.
Other Benefits
To prevent sunburn, the oil is also applied to the skin directly, treating damage caused by x rays, radiation, healing cuts, burns, bedsores and wounds. It is very effective in the treatment of eczema, acne, dry skin, dermatitis, changes in skin color in women especially after giving birth, skin ulcers and offers mucus membrane protection.
Research indicates that if just 10 mg of the oil is taken thrice daily for a month, it can improve functioning of the heart, reduce chest pain and lower cholesterol level. It helps in liver enzyme and other chemical reduction besides treating cirrhosis or liver disease. Infection in the digestive tract can also be prevented with intake of sea buckthorn oil. It is used in the treatment of skin rash, gout, ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, arthritis, measles, in controlling and preventing diseases of the blood vessel, lowers cholesterol, improve blood pressure and boost up immunity.
It should be used with caution as it could stain clothes and skin. Sunflower oil, coconut oil and jojoba oil are perfect oil bases to use to make blends. It has a shelf life of at least three years and when refrigerated, it has a life of 18 months.